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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 1, 2017

Disneyland with Friends

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It's been a few weeks since we've been to Disneyland. It's about time we got back there. And today we get to go with friends! The parking was insane this morning. Our friends let us know that the entrance to the Mickey and Friends garage was backed up onto the freeway! Crazy. Instead we went to the Toy Story parking lot which was much quicker to park, but had a ridiculously long line for the buses. Well I guess we could use the exercise. Time to walk a mile to get to the parks. Despite the long lines at the parking lots, it doesn't look too bad inside. Greetings Captain Hook! Alli wasn't too sure. We attempted to ride Casey Junior but while we were in line, the ride went down. Something about the train putting out more exhaust than normal. Instead we took a spin on the tea cups! And then rode the Carrousel! Alli was lucky enough to ride on Jingles! While Ian and Mommy high-five on "Alvin" and "Comet". Finally at 10am, Toontown opened and we could...

Instagram: Photos We Dig

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Ten fabulous photos from 100 Layer Cake a creative collaboration between friends and fellow designers. Launched in 2009, their wedding blog and website celebrate, inspire, and facilitate the most special events in life - weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, engagements - all the things that make your heart fill with love. Their vendor guide, marketplace, DIY resource and Pop-Up Shop provide a unique resource to help people plan their events, big and small.

In the Field: Andrea

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Spring is a long way off, but if you could use a mid-winter pick-me-up right this minute, we have the perfect antidote. “Andrea”—a bright, cheery and vibrant protea—this lovely cultivar produces large, fuchsia flowers with a silvery central dome and white feathery tips. It has the muted green leaves of the Protea Queen (magnifica) parent and the clear pink flower of the Protea Compacta parent. There is no doubt that Andrea brings an abundance of winter cheer out in the fields. But once harvested, arranged and displayed her vibes are contagious – the perfect pick-me-up.

A Celebration of California Culture

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"A Celebration of California Culture" was the theme of the California State Society's (CSS) Presidential Inaugural Luncheon, held at the Ritz Carlton-Washington, DC. The Society, a non-profit, bi-partisan social/networking organization, is proud of its role in promoting California in our nation’s Capitol, and of its support for fellow Californians. Their members include all types of Californians—Members of Congress, Congressional staff, Administration officials, employees of California-based businesses, California Alumni, and others. Kasey Cronquist, California Cut Flower Commission (CCFC) CEO & Ambassador and I were honored to join over 750 other guests to pay tribute to our state’s culture. The DC Central Kitchen , L.A. Kitchen , Wine Institute and CCFC partnered in this event to celebrate California’s contributions to food, wine, flowers, art and music. California native and Top Chef Finalist Marjorie Meek-Bradley was the inspiration for the luncheon cuisin...