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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 6, 2012


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In a couple of days we will be winging our way to sunny Portugal for a family holiday. I shall be so glad to turn my back on all this dreadful weather we have been having here, and to soak up a little sunshine and relax and unwind. I am sorry I don't mean to gloat, I am just very excited and ready for it. I was looking up images of Portugal  here , and thought you might like to see some of them. It looks lovely, don't you think? I shall be having a break for a couple of weeks, but really look forward to seeing what you have all been up to when I return. As a contrast to the above photos, this is one I took of my courtyard last week when the heavens opened and pelted out hailstones. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend, love Linda x.

Simple Flowers

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As far as I am concerned you can keep your formal flower arrangements, where flowers are carefully moulded into geometric shapes, and lots of rules and regulations apply. To me the simpler arrangements of a single flower variety or a posy freshly gathered from the garden win my heart. I really love the current fashion for flowers in jam jars and mason jars it just takes me back to when I would pick daisies and weeds for my mum, and she would put them in a jam jar or eggcup, depending on how short the stems were, and make out that they were the most  glorious flowers she had ever seen. Don't get me wrong though, there are amazing floral artists out there, doing incredible things with flowers that are to be wondered at, but when it comes to me and my home, give me a jug of garden flowers any day. This is an art installation of 2000 Dandelions by German artist Regine Ramseier. Check out this   website  to find out how it was done. It must be incredible when you are standing ...

Mixed messages?

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The above photos are collages I made on Picnik, using images from www.pinterest.com before they closed. I was formulating ideas about how I was going to decorate my sitting room. There is little I enjoy more, than poring over paint charts and magazines and brochures, planning and thinking about what I would like. The trouble is, in my head I can mix   industrial chic with cottage garden and a bit of French detailing, thrown in for good measure. The trouble is, I like everything. I am very susceptible to other people's ideas. The trouble is, is my head, I do not worry one iota about expenses. The trouble is, in my head, everything is new, and I don't have to fit in  my old stuff.  Hence, sometimes what is in my head is very difficult to translate into reality! Sometimes, things have to go wrong before they go right. Here is my sitting room, before the assault. The walls were painted a light stone colour, with 2 walls having a tongue and groove paint effect.There was a...

Alfresco Lunch

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Come and join me for lunch in the garden. I have been doing too much worrying lately, and need to unwind. Find yourselves somewhere comfortable to sit, grab a drink and let the party begin............. This is what we will be eating.................................................................................................................... Feeling hungry? Perhaps you are a little thirsty too?.......................... Oh I am really starting to relax now, perhaps some flowers and a little candlelight to create a lovely ambience? A little something for you to take home with you, thanks for coming! All these gorgeous images are courtesy of  Pinterest .