Tales of the Riverbank

It was a very cold but lovely morning in Antrim today. I decided to take a walk and take my camera with me, so that you can see where I live. I love to see where people live, so that I can picture them there, in my mind's eye. First things first though! I would like to thank you all so much for your kind and thoughtful comments on yesterdays post. You really are the most uplifting bunch of people to be around, and I love you for it! Things didn't turn out too badly for Lois, her best friend's granny took Lois under her wing, which was lovely and made her feel included. As for my being a 'domestic goddess'.....it went sadly wrong! I decided to make biscuits (which I have made many times before), and something made them spread out in the tin and all join together to make one very large, very crisp biscuit! At least we got a laugh out of it. Just as well I had the malteser bunnies in reserve! (Have you tried these, by the way?)

Oh I must tell you too, that Santa was a very good boy and brought me my desired red (well burnt orange to be exact) Nespresso 'Pixie' coffee machine for Christmas. It is completely fabulous and makes the best coffee. So I am on my way to achieving my coffee counter a la Martha Stewart, but I need some new cups and a tray, so watch this space! Anyway, back to my walk.........

At the end of the street where we live, you cross over the road and you are into the Castle Grounds (or the park as we call it). It really is a delightful place, so full of history with old buildings, castle ruins, a river, Lough Neagh, and wonderful wildlife. We are so lucky to have it on our doorstep. It is owned by Antrim Council, who seem quite forward thinking, for a council, and have received grants to improve and restore it. There has been a lot of work going on there and you will see signs of it in the photographs, but it will be very exciting when work is completed.

Can you see, the Heron? I saw three this morning, they always give me a thrill I don't know why, they seem so pre-historic or something!

I always love this part of the river where it bends and is overhung with trees, so peaceful.

There is a lovely geometric garden which is very old. It all looks rather grey today.

This is something new, I am not quite sure what this will be used for. It looks like something you would see in Europe with it's canvas roof. Don't they know it never stops raining here?

Ducks and Swans, and this other little fellow, not quite sure what he is, and he rather rudely turned his back on me, and you can't see his very pointy little beak!

Then I met two very friendly Robin's who made me smile, it was almost as if they were  posing for the photographs.

Then as you come up to the lough, there are all the little boats huddled together, and I loved the weathered and worn green paint on an old boat shed.

I was very aware of all the different textures, the moss, the lichen, the frosty grass, the bark on the trees....wonderful!

I have some more, but I think I will save them for another post. I wouldn't want you falling asleep.

I would just like to share something before I go. I am sure you are all like me, and you follow too many blogs, and can't keep up with them all. However, here is one, that you may have missed that is totally fascinating. My sister stumbled upon it and told me about it. It is called Spitalfields Life and the author writes about this part of London where he lives and the characters who live and work there. It is a totally enthralling piece of social history. I have only just subscribed and so have only read a little of what there is to read, but I found it, as did my sister, totally absorbing and interesting. He has written a book, which will be out in March, under the same name. Wishing you all a very happy midweek, love Linda x

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