Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! The day before Halloween we got our pumpkins ready. The kids started by painting a couple. Alli somehow managed to sit on her plate of paint. Then they both helped me carve a few pumpkins. The Mickey pumpkin on the porch is a requirement every year. On Halloween, T and I got off work a little early so the kids could start their trick-or-treating early. The nearby mall starts handing out candy at 4pm, and it gave the kids good practice for later on in the night. Especially to remember their "thank you's". They even had a Minion wandering around. It was a little weird hearing him talk when the characters we meet at Disney are always mute. After visiting a bunch of the stores, we finished by the information desk where they were giving out massive handfuls of candy instead of just a piece or two. After eating a quick dinner, it was time to go out trick-or-treating! T and I donned our Child Detection Agency outfits. We joined up with a group of neighbors with ...