Farm Tour: The Poway Valley Garden Club

For many farmers and gardeners fall is considered "the forgotten season." It's the time when they put away their tools and equipment and kiss growing things goodbye. But that's certainly not the case here in Southern California and for the Poway Valley Garden Club. Given the abundant varieties of protea, leucadendron and banksia in bloom, you can liberate a neglected interval in the gardening cycle. That was the inspiration I hoped to pass on to these gardeners during their visit to the farm this week. With over 95 members, this club's mission is to promote interest in gardening, improve and beautify their community, and provide garden education and information. During the tour they stopped by the packing house to watch as our crew packed flowers for shipping, made protea bouquets and created festive autumn wreaths. I made it a point to teach them about the amazing array of colorful proteaceae being currently being harvested, showcasing the protea and introducing ...