Bài đăng

Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 1, 2016


Hình ảnh
A deliberately out of focus picture, don't worry your eyes are not going funny. Belated Happy New Year to you all! I took a little break from blogging to try and focus on what I wanted to do, what direction to go in. I don't know if it's just me, but finding focus is a difficult task. There is so much stimulation all around and it is so easy to become distracted, and go off at a tangent. I recently came across a fabric and quilt designer whose work I love. You can find her website  here . She said that she no longer has New Year's resolutions, but chooses a word to focus on throughout the year. I thought this was a great idea, especially for anyone who is creative. I thought I would do the same and had chosen the word RESTORE, but have decided to change it to FOCUS, as I feel this is what is important for me. I haven't found it yet, but certain things are beginning to become clearer. I would love to hear from you my dear readers, as I know you are all very creative ...