Cara's Spring Wedding Flowers, Rhinefield House

I have to confess to having got very behind with the blog, I am sorry and I will do my best to catch up. I have some absolutely gorgeous wedding flowers to show you so please do bear with me. First up is Cara's lovely Spring inspired wedding. Spring bouquet of roses, tulips, anemones, paperwhites and astilbe with a little asparagus fern and myrtle. I love the gentle spring colours in this bouquet, pastel pinks, greens and ivories, it smelt beautiful too, thanks to the paperwhites. Vintage Spring buttonhole for the groom, rose, paperwhite, asparagus fern and myrtle. Ivory and pale green spring bouquet for the bridesmaids, Dolomiti and Green Fashion roses with paperwhites. Table centres were a natural mix of Spring flowers and roses in these tall cocktail vases. First though they were put to use for the wedding ceremony. Here they are positioned either side of the ceremony table at Rhinefield House. The ceremony table was decorated with little vases of Spring flowers and tea lights....