
source . When my Dad was alive, he used to say if there was an after life that he was going to return as a Blackbird. I like to think that he did. There was a blackbird in my garden the other day, he had a little circle of grey around his roguish little eye, and I thought to myself, is that you Dad? He was looking a little sheepish, when I spied him, and then he flew away. It was not until later, when I went to pick some raspberries, that I understood why. The biggest, juiciest, red berry was gone! I didn't mind. photo from here . I have always loved the way Blackbird's look, with their sunshine yellow beaks, and that little matching ring around the eye, and of course the fact that there is always a Mrs. Blackbird, not far away. (I think that was the reason my Dad chose to become a Blackbird). There seems to always be some kind of a connection between me and and my fine feathered friend. In the 70's growing up, there was a group from the West Country called 'The Wurze...