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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 5, 2012

Time For Tea!

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Everything stops for tea.. So sorry for my absence, but I have been a little busy. I have been painting in my friend Yolanda's lovely home. This is her patio, where she wanted to create the feeling of a wonderful tea room. The vintage table and chairs are being painted a distressed white. As you can see in the photograph it got painted just in time before the rain came down! Yolanda had this fireplace made to her own design, and then I painted it with the numbers and gave it an antique wash. It really is a most unusual feature in the room. Some more numbers on a bespoke bathroom cabinet, (my friend has a thing for them). In  the downstairs cloakroom I framed a mirror with an antique letter by Josiah Fairfax (totally fictitious of course), and added a couple of postmarks. I love it when I have free reign to do something that is fun and original. In the Master bedroom, which is very pared down and elegant, Yolanda wanted a quote of some kind to break up the white and add some charact...