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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2011

Something old, something new!

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Image from Pinterest . I am linking to Laura's post of the month club. Click on her button on the sidebar if you wouls like to take a look. Sparky, our Westie, has to approve of everything that enters!  My daughter has caused a little bit of chaos around here as she decided she would like more room in her bedroom , and would like the single bed from the guest room instead of her double bed. After much hauling about and shoving and a little dismantling, I managed it...solo.. I hasten to add! Now though, the guest room has one large bed in it and not much room for anything else, so virtually every piece in the house has been moved to accomodate this change. It has been a bit of a marathon. I can't really complain though, as my daughter knows that furniture can be moved, because I am always doing it!!! Anyway, the bathroom cupboard was moved to Lois's room to house her clothes and I needed something rather desperately for the bathroom. I headed off to one of the many charity s...

Count Your Blessings!

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Happy Thanksgiving to all who partake in it! I have a lot to be thankful for, apart from my lovely family, I think the thing that I am most thankful for, is my home. My Mum was a great homemaker, she moved homes many many times in her life and she always said 'your home is in your consciousness', and because of that she could pick up and start again,wherever she happened to be.At this time of year I often think what it would be like to be a homeless person, living in a cardbord box, sleeping on the street. My heart goes out to all who find themselves in that situation. I could go on and write a long list of all the blessings I'm counting, but instead I will show you some lovely images to represent them. Sparky, our West Highland Terrier. Paul and Lois. Looks like butter wouldn't melt doen't it? Happy Thanksgiving! Love Linda x  Images which are not my own are from pinterest  and Tumblr , for which I also give thanks.  

Vintage Christmas.

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I have been having a little fun making corsages to adorn Christmas presents. It all came about when I bought a book called 'Homemade Gifts Vintage Style' by Sarah Moore. I had actually gone out to get a biscuit decorating book by 'The Biscuiteers',it was out of stock and so whilst looking around I found this rather lovely book. The funny thing is, that Sarah Moore, the author of this book is also co-author of the Biscuiteers book.....small world. I decided that the corasges would look lovely on presents and would be quick and easy to make. The author said that once you start you will find it hard to stop, and she was right! They are simply varying sizes of fabric circles stitched together and then a safety pin sewn in the back. I was thrilled to be able to use up some linen and lace doilies that have been hanging around for years! Old bits of broken jewellery and buttons come in handy too! For the children in the family, I added these little felt animals that I made las...

Angel of Thanksgiving

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Photo taken from Andy Scott's Website . As American Thanksgiving day approaches, my thoughts enevitably turn to this piece of public art on the banks of the  river Lagan in Belfast city centre, she is known locally as' Nuala with the Hula' or 'The Doll on the Ball'. Her real name though is 'The Angel of Thanksgiving,' and she is where she is, because of one woman.....my mother.  My lovely Mum, on the day the 'Angel' was erected.(photo taken by my brother Paul) My Mum was a very spiritually minded person. She really believed that if a person, no matter how poor, or ill, or  deprived could give thanks to God for the little good that was in their life, then God could turn their life around. On a visit to America, she visited Thanksgiving Square in Dallas, Texas. It is a building, where people of any denomination can go and pray and give thanks to their own Deity. My Mum was very impressed with this idea, and thought that Belfast was in need of such a p...

Flowers on my table!

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 I thought you might like to see some late bloomers from the garden. I rather love little tiny, unpretentious posies scattered around the place. They make you stop and look. I am begging, borrowing and stealing Hydrangea at the moment to dry for Christmas. In Vic Brotherson's wonderful book 'Vintage Flowers' she makes a huge ball out of dried Hydrangea and hangs it from the ceiling, see below..... I plan to do the same. I am having great success at drying some, but not all. The lovely lilac specimen below is from my own garden. I tried by having some stems in a small amount of water but they shrivelled up. I tried hanging them upside down, they did the same. The white ones, also from my garden seem to be drying upside down but I am not sure what colour they will end up. That is the exciting thing about this process, seeing all the incredible variety of shades you can end up with. Gosh wouldn't the world be drab if it was only in black and white? Wishing you all a fun-fi...

I'm lost in a daydream.....

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Image from Tumblr . Today I just wanted to share some images that for one reason or another really excite, inspire or move me. I hope you like them too? Image from Tumblr. Image from Tumblr. Image  from Pinterest . Image from Pinterest . Image from Pinterest . Image from Tumblr . Image from Tumblr . Image from Tumblr .   Image from Tumblr . Image from Pinterest. Image from Pinterest. Image from Pinterest. Image from Tumblr. Image from Tumblr. Image from Tumblr. Image from Pinterest. Image from Pinterest.  Image from Pinterest.  Image from Tumblr. Image from Tumblr. Image from Pinterest. Image from Pinterest. Image from Tumblr. Image from Tumblr. I could imagine a lovely romantic story could be formulated around these images. And the...there are the ones that make you laugh... Image from Tumblr. Oh yes, and the ones that make you cry.... Image from Pinterest . A warm welcome to my new followers, and a big thankyou to all who are so kind as to comment. To those who just like to...