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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2011

Are you a sucker for packaging?

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Image from here . I most certainly am, beautifully packaged goods like those above make me drool. Simple packaging too, really does it for me. Take Bonne Mamman  http://bonnemaman.us/  for example...it's those lovely checked lids for a start, then the wonderful black and white labels that look handwritten. It's not only that,  what about all the clever things that people do with the jars, once the contents, (and they are none too shabby either), have been consumed. I love the simple packaging on some of the items Jamie Oliver has for sale on his website. http://jamieoliver.com/ . It seems I am not alone in my appreciation of packaging and branding, as there is a mueseum of brands in London. http://www.museumofbrands.com/     Some more lovely packaging to entice you to part from your hard-earned cash.... Images from here . I love these bottles, sometimes you see them in designer kitchens, all lined up, and although I think it's a bit stage set, I still like ...

John Brown's Cottage

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I am feeling a little bit nostalgic and emotional about my past, these last few days. I have been harking  back to when I was aged nineteen. My mum and Dad loved each other, of that I have no doubt, but they couldn't live together. They spent 20 years coming together and then splitting apart. One of these splits, involved us , (the kids) and my mum, moving lock , stock and barrel, away from Ireland, away from my Dad, to the Yorkshire Dales. My Mum had a friend in her church who had a cottage we could rent. So it was we set off, with trepidation and a little excitement to find 'John Brown's Cottage'! It seemed like we would never get there as we went more and more into the back country roads of the Dales. Here it is, I do apologise for the quality of my photo... My sister sits on the step a little overawed I think, my brother in the doorway. It was a shock, we came from a city, to the middle of nowhere. As I looked around, and took in the old doors and windows, the woode...

Roses, Runners & Raspberries

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Isn't this rose a lovely old fashioned shape? It reminds me of those 'kitchy' paintings of roses from the 50's. When I bought it, it was actually a lovely lilac shade, but the second year it turned  peach, it must be something to do with the soil. I don't mind though as it reminds me of my mum, she was rather partial to peach roses, and peach nail varnish. She had bottles and bottles of the stuff, and almost all of it was pink or peach! Also, I'm thinking, she would give me, or one of my sisters, a castoff handbag, and always without fail, you would find a pink or peach lipstick in it, a paper hanky and some lifesavers (she travelled to America a lot!) Sorry I digress. I am overwhelmed by the amount of apples we got this year from our two small trees. They are quite sour for eating apples, and last year when I tried making pies out of them, although they tasted alright the apples don't break down (which I like). So this year I am going to make a wreath or tw...